Glossary of terms used on this site

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a device that calculates the number of hairs per square centimetre. A skull will have between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs.

Dermatitis (Seborrheic)

a skin disease that manifests itself by rash and dandruff on the scalp.

Synonyms - Seborrheic

Double Follicular Unit graft; graft containing two follicular units.

Diabetes and hair loss

blood circulation deficiency due to diabetes causes insufficient irrigation of the hair follicle’s cells, the pouch housing the hair’s root. Insufficiently supplied with vital nutrients delivered by blood flow, the hairs can no longer grow, and renew themselves in a normal way.

Diffuse Alopecia

widespread hair loss due to general illness (infectious diseases, rheumatic disorders, tumours…), to a certain type of deficiency (iron deficiency or deficiencies caused by a drastic diet), medication (chemotherapy, anticoagulants…),  high fever or  major  surgical procedures.


male hormone responsible for male androgenic alopecia.

Synonyms - DHT
Donor area

is the source that supplies the grafts that will be implanted. It’s located in the occipital and temporal regions. These areas will almost always contain hair, even in men suffering from severe baldness. Extraction can be performed either by use of the strip technique or by the 0.8 to 1mm diameter punch when performing the follicular extraction technique (FUE).

Donor zone dominance

this principle explaines how grafted hairs from the donor area (mostly present even in bald men) keep their original characteristics (genes). They will continue growing after being grafted in the bald area or the area with low density

Double follicular unit

grafts containing two follicular units.

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