What is the principle behind hair transplant ?

Hair transplant is based on a proven concept : the bulbs or roots of the hair have a programmed longevity.
Genetically different and resistant, the hair in the occipital region is programmed to last for most of life and be used to repopulate thin or low-density areas. Therefore, the partial redistribution of the patient's hair capital does not affect their lifespan.
The feasibility of this redistribution is based on two surgical techniques that allow hair transfer. FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) technique and the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique differ in their donor extraction methodology.
FUT technique consists in extracting a thin strip of skin containing the hair from the donor area (posterior and lateral areas). This strip will be dissected under a stereo microscope to refine and isolate each follicular unit (naturally present hair group). We obtain a random quantity (depending on the density per cm2) of grafts (follicular units) containing between 1 and 4 hairs. These grafts will then be implanted in the recipient area (upper part of the skull) according to a personalised strategic organization. The FUT enables extensive restorations.
For more information about FUT technology,
click here.
The more recent FUE technique avoids linear scarring in the donor area. It is characterized by an individual extraction of each follicular unit (graft). Scars in the form of small white spots are undetectable in the mass of the hair. This technique requires good instrumentation and practice in order to limit the rate of residual transsections in the donor area.
We often combine these two techniques to potentiate the number of transferable transplants.
Your hair capital is limited. The areas to be restored can gradually unfold. It is essential to adopt an implantation strategy that offers you an apparent visual density in the short and long term without neglecting the donor area.
If you would like more information about the different treatment options, please click here.
Want to know if you are a good candidate for a hair transplant? click on the corresponding link below :
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